Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ten Days

April 1st is the official, tentative start....

1 comment:

  1. Great site/blog Vlad. I came upon your blog while researching the web for information on the shore to shore trail. You're right - there is very little information on the trail anywhere to be found (other than the MTRA that you mentioned). I decided in 2010 to do it solo for my 50th birthday and set off to do the first half (Oscoda to Grayling). Lets just say it took me three days to get to McKinley (on schedule) but poor planning cost me completing the trip. I finished the rest over the next year in segments and will be going it alone in 2013. If you (or anyone else) is looking for information and experiences (lessons learned) on the trail, let me know (kfilar@woh.rr.com). I know pretty much where every store, bar, campground, gas station, are along the route and about each segment. Feel free to send an email. I hope you eventually finished the trail. I did a segment in 1978 with my Dad and brother and it took over 30 years later to finally get back to it. Best of luck!!!!
